The Halo Pro® Series
The Halo Pro® series solutions offer more Intrinsically Safe Radio Headsets & Accessories than any other headset accessories in the market. Halo Pro® allows Users to connect Headsets to the Radios via the UM (VOX/PTT) or SRI (PTT only) Interface. Or, just connect the headsets directly via an adapter cord to the host radio.
The UM Interfaces are energy efficient and may be attached to D-rings or belts using your choice of carabiner or belt loop supplied with each unit. With a choice of application-specific Headsets and the clearest audio in the business, Halo Pro® series makes it easy to add versatility to your existing radios without compromising intrinsic safety.
Hazmat, high noise, wet and dirty environments, can finally be handled with confidence using the Halo Pro® Intrinsically Safe Headsets & available Interfaces.